
Anna: Hi Victoria, how are you?

Victoria: Hi Anna, I'm very well [wɛl] (estoy muy bien), thank you. How are you?

A: Very well, thanks. What's your favorite book?

V: My favorite book is Leaves of Grass, by Walt Whitman.

A: What is your favorite city?

V: My favorite city is Paris.

A: Victoria, do you go to the gym?

V: Yes, I go to the gym.

A: When do you go to the gym?

V: I go to the gym on Tuesday nights.

A: Where is your gym?

V: My gym is in the city center.

A: What do you do on Thursday nights?

V: On Thursday nights I go to the supermarket.

A: What's your favorite supermarket?

V: My favorite supermarket is Mercadona.

A: Where is Mercadona?

V: Mercadona is on Avenida de América.

Progress, Vol. 1
Progress, all volumes