Ejemplos usando el past simple


De nuevo, usamos el past simple para hablar de eventos que ocurrieron en un punto temporal muy específico en el pasado. Normalmente, indicamos ese punto usando un adverbio o un modificador temporal.

Last Monday I went to the gym.

On Tuesday I went to church.

Last Wednesday I went to my office.

On Thursday I went to the park.

On Friday I went to a restaurant.

On Saturday I went to the supermarket.

On Sunday I went to the movie theater.


María: Javier, what did you do last Monday?

Javier: Last Monday I went to the gym in Móstoles.

M: What did you do on January 17?

J: On January 17 I went to a restaurant.

M: What did you do last night?

J: Last night I went to the park.

Para preguntar ¿qué hiciste? tenemos que usar el verbo to do dos veces: what did you do?

Progress, Vol. 2
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