
1. Important moments in my life

I was born in Russia on September 5, 1982. I lived in Siberia from 1982 to 2003. In June 2003, I moved to Madrid. I lived there for four years. I worked at a restaurant for a year. In 2008, I moved again, to Barcelona. I studied in the university for 2 years, and in 2013 I bought a house in Badalona. I live now in my house with my dog Manolo and my cat Verónica.

¿Puedes hablarnos sobre algunos momentos importantes en tu vida?

2. Traduce

  1. Siempre hace sol en Málaga.
  2. Nunca hace sol en Londres.
  3. Hoy hace viento.
  4. Hace frío en Alaska durante el invierno.
  5. Hace calor hoy.
  6. Hace dos días, fui a Málaga.
  7. Hace tres años me mudé a San Francisco.
  8. Ahora mismo estoy hablando.
  9. Estoy ayudando a mis amigos.
  10. Mi hermana está visitando a mi hermano en Madrid.
  11. Él quiere ir a Dublín porque está estudiando inglés.
  12. ¿Estás viendo esto?
  13. Estamos cantando y Mary está bailando en su habitación.
  14. Estamos terminando el libro.

3. Responde

  1. What time did you leave your house this morning?
  2. In your house, is it always hot, or is it sometimes cold?
  3. In the North Pole, is it always very cold? And are there a lot of penguins?
  4. Do you like the winter in your city?
  5. In the summer, do you always go to a lot of parties?

4. The weather in my city

In Chicago, it's usually very hot in the summer. In the winter, it is very cold, and it's very windy. It rains sometimes. In the spring, it's hot, and the trees (árboles) are very beautiful. I like the weather in Chicago. It snows every winter, but it's very sunny in the summer. It's never foggy.

¿Puedes explicarnos cómo es el clima en tu ciudad?

5. Traduce

  1. No conozco a tu hermana.
  2. Conocí a Juan en una fiesta.
  3. Conozco a su madre, pero no conozco a su tía.
  4. Ellos se reunieron en Georgetown.
  5. ¿Conoces a Laura?
  6. Conocí a Laura en París.
  7. No conozco a nadie en San Francisco.
  8. No sé nada.
  9. Sé algo.
  10. No tenemos nada en la cocina.

6. Responde con I also u oración negativa con either al final

  1. I don't have a blue dog.
  2. Pedro does not eat on his bed.
  3. I didn't go to the Moon (la Luna).
  4. María drinks water every day.
  5. Juan needs to eat every day.
  6. Mi cousin has a computer.
  7. She showers every day.
  8. I cannot run 40 kilometers in 1 hour.
  9. He doesn't have a house in Los Angeles.
Progress, Vol. 2
Progress, all volumes